

  • Can I cancel my order?

Unfortunately, we are not able to cancel an order once it has been placed.

  • Do you offer returns?

We are unable to offer refunds, returns, or exchanges. all sales are final. please note, LUXELUMY reserves the right to refuse all returns, reshipments, and refunds. in the unlikely event that a product arrives damaged, the customer must contact customer service within 48 hours of receipt. customers must include photos of the issue and a screenshot of your order confirmation email.

  • Do the products online looks accurate?

LUXELUMY has endeavored to optimise the accuracy of all product images and colours featured on the site as much as possible. However, the display of product colours depends significantly on the user’s computer monitor and we cannot guarantee the level of accuracy achieved on every individual user’s monitor.
  • Why are there products showing that are out of stock?

As some of our products are produced in limited quantities and may run out of stock, we constantly update the site with the latest product availability.

Although we cannot always guarantee the availability of all products, our Customer care team would be happy to assist you if you are looking for a particular product and cannot find it on our site.

  • Can I buy a single item from a set?

For the present, we are not offering the option to order a single item from a set.

  • Are there gifts cards available online?

We currently do not offer gift cards to use online.

  • Can you hide the prices of items?

We don't have prices shown on any tags, packing slips or wrappings.

  • Will my information be shared with third party?

We take data protection very seriously, and your information will only be shared with third parties where they abide by applicable data protection legislation. Please read our Privacy Policy for full information.